Green Map Meeting
Every Thursday, 18:30
Electron Club, CCA, Glasgow

First Review of Cork and Open Green map code

Posted by Kevin McDonagh Friday, 2 February 2007- 11:29 pm
I've just been looking over the code that Seb and Diarmaid wrote for the Cork Green Map Project. They endeavored to start on making it as extendable as possible with the eventual aim of releasing the code as an Open Green Map System for others to adopt. So obviously this is very appealing for us as we can benefit from their toils.

Looking over the code just there I would say that overall they have done a very good job. The methods and classes are small and well named. There is significant documentation within the classes including return types and expected params. There are also a lot of references to design patterns in the codings variables that I expect will help us get to grips faster with the flow of what is actually going on. To top it off, there are also online docs and the starts of an API. I'd say for a two man project this was a very impressive state of code and its obviously been a labour of love.

The first thing we're going to have to do is upload the code to our personal repository and then get all three instances of the Green map set up. Once thats there it will be easier to start following the path the application is taking since we've set it up three times and will be a bit more used to it.

Well done to Seb and Diarmaid for their excellent efforts.
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