Green Map Meeting
Every Thursday, 18:30
Electron Club, CCA, Glasgow

Meeting #24 - green map published!

Posted by Kevin McDonagh Sunday 5 August 2007- 9:30 pm

A beautifully inky smelling, brand spanking new Glasgow green map has now been published and is circling it's way around Glasgow's most exclusive second hand shops!

Where can I get one?

I hear you cry. You can email us for one at or you can pick it up from one of the second hand shops on the map. You'll soon also be able to download it here and from the main site.

Well done everyone!

So what are they doing now?

Oh but we've only just begun. Now that we have one notch in our belt we are beginning to turn our attentions to a web based green map that will be constantly updated by you!

Meeting #24 summed up

1. News / What peeps did since last meeting
2. Coo over map.
3. Review most important functionality of online map.
4. Plan of distribution.
5. Online monitoring
6. Testing: Franki / Hannah
7. Dev: Kevin and joe change add place
8. Tasks!

We mostly justed cooed and had a think about where our efforts should be focused. We reviewed what we wanted first from the web site and found that first and foremost we need to get it to collect information based on the impact of the paper based map. A form to enable peeps to give feed back. Also its important for us to have it available in a downloadable form as soon as possible. Franki offered to break up her fantastical design into small palatable fantastical areas, each on a seperate A4 page(since most grans don't pack an A1 printer beside the biscuits).

The most important priorites for the web map are:
1. Feedback and distribution of the download map
2. Add categories of Environmental Proj & Reuse Proj
3. Content from the map for web

Usability testing

Usability testing was carried out by Fanki and Hannah to find that the user could carry out the tasks quickly and instinctively found the areas of the map needed, even with it broken. This user was the news browsing type and had a bit of experience with google maps and so knew how to use all the controls straight away. Notably she enjoyed the experience of adding an icon to the map and found it easy to click the next arrows during the process.

Points taken from testing:
Add place functionality has improved
Messages to help when adding a shop but could be revised.
User used home as point of reference
The area selection was the next stop after the map.


Add stats to pages
Get Franki disk
Get Kevin illustrator
Make online form
fix zooming in again
Divide up map for web
Make a synchroniser for the spreadsheet and web DB

Unknown said...
At last what an amazing resource! I have an old computer monitor that I have tried to donate to numerous charities to no avail- now I know where to take it! Thank you Glasgow Green Map!
7 August 2007 at 12:23
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