Green Map Meeting
Every Thursday, 18:30
Electron Club, CCA, Glasgow

Meeting #29

Posted by Kevin McDonagh Saturday, 8 September 2007- 10:14 am

It went like this:


Blogging the weekly meetings is one thing but we need regular, engaging content. Dear green place wishes to be taken seriously as a major force for pushing green issues to the fore front of Glasgow public awareness so we're going to need the kind of people that can start those fires in peoples hearts. Enlisting the help of writers will be a huge but greatly rewarding task. We need not necessarily only commission new work as there is plenty of pertaining content already available, we could also secure the rights to reprint certain articles with the kind permissions of the owner. There will be a whole host of ways to capture the interest of writers and as always we're open to ideas. Until we do secure the regular writers it's important to make our best efforts in generating this content to the best of our abilities.


Video blogging (vodcasts) is relatively new in the whole scheme of web trends and has only recently been possible with widespread broadband web connections. Brandon took the initiative last week and set himself up in the first glasgow green map interview (You can see it here). We'd like to carry on this trend by getting our 'in housecamera Juan' to start making his way through a series of interviews with each of the green map volunteers to get their angles on to the phenomenon of green mapping and of course A great bonus would be if we could enlist the time of an impartial third party journalist for the task.


We were suprised to find there hadn't been as many visits as we'd hoped. Only 118 unique visits to the actual map as of the time of writing! At first this was a little disconcerting but really this highlights quite an exciting prospect. After a little reflection it makes a lot of sense that we're not receiving these visits, the majority of our visits came directly from google from people searching for words like 'recycling', 'second hand shops' and of course 'Glasgow'. The very reason that there is a need for is because there are not enough everyday Glaswegians talking and taking to heart environmental issues so we can't very well expect them to be searching for it ahead of Brittany Spears on google. That will be one more visit since I just mentioned her.

Every week we're in the eye of a quietly gathering storm but the storm in all its immensity has still to hit Glasgow's collective consciousness after nearly 8 months work. When it finally does hit, thats when we've begun to achieve our original goals.

Glasgow Green Events

We'll soon be implementing our events syndication area of where events of all the known Glasgow orginisations will be advertised. We'd very much appreciate if peeps could start getting in the habit of notifying us about any events well beforehand so we can do our best to advertise it to as many interested parties as possible.

New Design bits

We whittled down some of the categories, spoke about the forth coming design changes. In other news, Franki is currently troubled by a ghostly disc. No matter though, she taken an oodle load of shop pics which Kevin snatched to upload on to the internets.

Press release

The current press release describes our aims well but has no mention of the online map. We going to have to become more press and community facing if we wish to gain more public support and so we'll need to assemble a more comprehensive press pack complete with pictures names numbers and addresses, both physical and online. We changed a few things and then I said I'd add it to our Planner for future amendment.

Govan Green Space

Hannah will repping the green map this Saturday in at the Govan green space event in (a park). You'll be able to find her and maybe Frankie there in a little yellow hut. So go and say hi!

Only 10min walk from Govan underground, just through the Clyde tunnel from Partick!


We want to get out there! Up and coming we have the joy that is Glasgow's legendary... freshers week. We should do our best to promote ourselves very openly to those who will most likely be the beneficiaries and biggest supporters of second hand shops in Glasgow for the next years! Just targeting the big three should be enough, Glasgow uni, Starhclyde and the Arty School. Also we have an open day coming up for the ekectron club coming up in October. It would be a really nice opportunity to mingle with all our fellow club mates and do our bit in repping the Electron club. Additionally, we could take advantage of the situation to garner a little public feed back and usability testing.

For the life of me I can't remember the tasks. But for those who got them, I'll add them to the planner.
Go, go you gosh darned green guys.
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